Thursday, 18 October 2012

Andy Goldsworthy

 "At its most successful, my 'touch' looks 
into the heart of nature; most days I don't 
even get close. These things are all a part of
a transient process that I cannot understand
unless my touch is also transient; only in this
way can the cycle remain unbroken and the
process be complete."

-Andy Goldsworthy

As research for my elemental approach to the project I've been looking at Andy Goldsworthy, an artist who collaborates with nature and produces very interesting and personal pieces. I love the fact that he uses a huge range of materials which are all natural and I found that very stimulating and it gave me idea's for my own project. I would love to go out to a forest for a day and spend the time trying to use the environment to create some artwork. Andy creates incredibly interesting pieces and this also encourages me to go out and try this sort of thing for myself.

The idea of touch and Earth really appeals to me because I've always been very outdoorsy (even if I'm a bit of a techno geek) and when I was younger I spent most of my time outside and loved going to visit my relatives that lived in the country side. I hope that by party basing my project around something that I like, I'll enjoy the overall experience more and that will lead to more productivity. Already since settling on Earth and touch I find myself with more idea's and a better output of work.

Colour in Motion

After exploring the senses and Synaesthesia, I kept with the idea of colour and the senses. I thought of touch and of all the different surfaces and colour we touch during our day. It made me think of how colour and art is always within our grasp, or at our finger tips, if you will.

I did enjoy the idea of colour at our fingertips and experimented with the idea by doing my first stop motion. It's quite short, so I know that if I made another one I'd use more photo's and definitely use a tripod.

The Stop Motion;

From here I want to continue with touch but incorporate defined set of colour into the idea, like the elelements and the the colour associated with them and the seasons.